Saturday, November 16, 2013

Joy and contentment (Part One) July 25, 2013 New Harbor, Maine

(Last summer we were privileged to spend a week at a cottage on the Maine Coast.  Various family members were in nearby cottages and rooms.  This entry was written during that stay.)

Tonight has continued the special joy and magic of being in this place, at this time, while watching the beauty of God's plans and lifetime moments unrolling before us.  Sleeping in and going to get scones and muffins from the baking ladies little shop.  Pumping up the kayak.  Rowing with my grandchildren.  A great healthy lunch.  Kayaking with my daughter.  Dockside watching and conversation in Back Cove with my brother, nephew, Sheila, Brianna, and two grandchildren; meanwhile, lobster boats, and long haulers come and go along with a small mix of vacationers in kayaks, row boats and one large power pleasure boat.  This is a working harbor.  Celebrating clay crafts of seaside "treasurers" assembled by the loved ones.   A robust and peaceful three generation conversation.
Shore side cottages
Back cove from the bay
The bridge from our cottage - exploring Back Cove at low tide

Brianna and daughter
Rowing lessons
Bridge "conference"

The event board - first and final roll-out
Cousins on the porch - Back Cove

"The water's fine!"  

Splashdown - excellent form
Boathouse deck crew
Dockside afternoon clouds

Puffin cruise
Even changing Sheila 's bandages is a reminder of how He protects us in the midst of tough moments - and a remembrance of our vows to one another.  "In sickness (injuries) and in health."  And another chapter in Francis Chan's "Crazy Love".   As the clouds turn to sustained rain we head to Pemiquid Park ball field and play three man baseball in the rain (three person, three generation baseball in the rain).

Monhegan in the clouds

Rockscape - Pemiquid Point Lighthouse (photographer - M. Sargent)

The rain begins
In this place with spotty mobile phone and wireless coverage we are surprised by a call from Brian and thrilled with news of his promotion to Lt Commander in the Navy select reserves.  A worthy accomplishment by a most worthy man!  After the 12 mile drive to Damariscotta on errands and to make calls including to Sheila's sister, I power up the iPAD and among the 42 emails is the thrilling news that God has answered our good friends  prayers - the court has approved their two grand-children's move to NH.  They will share in God's win with their son and his children.  God is good!

End of day fire

Joy and contentment. 

1 comment:

  1. I had already read this one, but, love the read with the pictures!
